"There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal." (C.S. Lewis, in The Weight of Glory)
Restoration complete!
This site was down for some time before I discovered that the hosting account had an expired credit card and an old, invalid email.
I've modified the large file links so that you can get your files from IEEE Dataport, and give a DOI, with link. EPMForums is a placeholder. At this time, I'm thinking about putting a forum back for that site.
Please notify the webmaster about dead links.
This is an Engineers Personal Website
Here you will find resources and web sites of interest to engineers and others. See Engineering Portal for links of various types.
Bookmark this page, jameskbeard.com (<Ctrl>D); send e-mail with Webmaster link below (edit the email address).
Dr. Beard's ORCID
Looking for Dilbert?
Scott Adams, author of Dilbert, is on Locals
The NIST time widget can no longer be embedded. Live web page with a time widget is HERE.
FTC Page on Robocalls
Also, consider NoMoRobo, Winner of the FTC Robocall Challenge, for your land line (free) or for your cell phone ($2.00 per month).
Other Links
Chinese SPAMmer from 2008
Please CLICK HERE for explanation and several samples of the SPAM.
Looking for the great chef James A Beard?
The great chef James Beard died in 1985; his estate maintains a Foundation with this web site:

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